Hi Timi!
Thank you for your thoughtful post. Your high school learning experience definitely shown features of interactive teaching styles as it motivates students participations and potentially allows adjustable teaching methods later since kahoots can show students’ learning outcomes. reminds me of one of my volunteering experiences for a language-learning class where the teacher let the students play Bingo when they were learning about numbers. Buzz session was adopted prior to the beginning of the game, which motivates students to actively seek help from others and get engaged. I think it is quite an effective instructing method that is interactive and fun, especially when you get someone being competitive towards winning the game. In addition, it surely helps keep students’ memories about the knowledge they’ve learned. Relating to the Multimedia Learning Principle by Mayer, these types of gaming used in teaching make use of the qualitative rationale with verbal and pictorial forms of information together.
I am wondering if you could change the colour of your font to a lighter one? I feel like red texts on a black background are contrasting each other, in a sense. Perhaps a lighter red could help?
5 Examples of Interactive Teaching Styles. (2012, November 2). ResilientEducator.com. https://resilienteducator.com/classroom-resources/5-interactive-teaching-styles-2/
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